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Quarterly Update: July 2023-September 2023

Beacon Center has worked diligently over these last three months to continue to provide hope, safety, and resources for members of our community. Below are a few of the things we have been up to!

Emergency Shelter

Beacon Center’s emergency shelter has seen three busy months, having a steady flow of clients throughout. Right now, we have six adults and fifteen children staying in our emergency shelter.

Our outside playground construction was completed in September, as we added a privacy fence and made the area wheelchair accessible. This marked the completion of our renovation project which started in January 2022, as we transitioned from a communal living space to eight independent and fully functioning apartments. We invite you to see these changes at our Open House on October 19th!

Emergency Solutions Grant

Did you know? Beacon Center provides support and resources to those affected by trauma through the Emergency Solutions Grant, ESG. This federally funded grant assists survivors with costs related to leasing.

We offer the ESG program on a case-by-case basis to current Beacon Center clients, requiring ongoing contact with our Intensive Case Manager throughout. The program aims to provide resources for clients, while working toward achieving client-created goals and sustained self-sufficiency. Any housing supported by the grant program must be rent-reasonable and able to pass inspection.

Over the past quarter, we have continued to serve two families through this rapid rehousing program and are in the process of adding another soon. This additional family, a young mother and her child, checked into our emergency shelter at the beginning of September, as they were fleeing abuse. The client came in unemployed, but has been completing routine case management and is now working. She qualifies for the ESG program and will soon be leaving Beacon Center’s shelter, as she is moving into a home of her own in early October.

This is Beacon Center’s mission. We aim to meet each client where they are and support them as they excel in their goals and become self-sufficient.

Thank You!

Beacon Center’s day to day services rely on community generosity and support. The Watertown Area United Way is a local non-profit aimed at raising dollars to improve the lives of others in our community. Beacon Center is a 2024 United Way funded agency program. We are so grateful for United Way’s consistent support of our mission!

Additionally, our mission is furthered through generous supporters like those who attend our events, provide clothing and food items for our pantry, and help raise awareness in our community. Whatever your reason for supporting Beacon Center, we cannot thank you enough.

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